The Life of a Busy Mom

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Day 1

I am going to try this blogging thing. It will obviously be done at the end of the day when I wind down from all the days activities. Today was a tough day.
The day started out not so great. I'm sick. My whole body aches and my head hurts, I have a fever and my lungs are full of yucky stuff. I had a better sleep than I did the night before, but I still didn't feel good. It took me a little while to get going, but after a couple of Extra Strength Tylenol I was starting to move. Saje wasn't feeling so great either, but he wasn't bad. So... I got Todd off to work and the girls off to school. Next, I had to take Bryr to his friend Clayton's house while I went to be a presenter at a Leadership training seminar. Saje slept the whole drive, but when we got there, he was miserable. He had a fever and wanted to be held the entire time (this even continued when we got home). Afterwards, I picked up Bryr and met the girls at the house. I was too tired to take them all to town and decided that it would be worth it to pay the $1.00 late charge for the movies that we had rented, so we got busy with homework, reading, and computer. The kids' computer finally got fixed this weekend, so they are elated and spend as much time on it as possible.
When Todd got home from work, at about 7:15 (a little earlier than normal), he helped fix dinner because I felt like yuck, and we sat down and ate. After dinner we had a search for the "Jeep keys" event because Todd couldn't remember what he had done with them when he drove home Sunday. After about 15 minutes of frustration, I calmly went and lifted the couch cushion and low and behold, there they were. He was headed out to take Bryr's racing motorcycle to get an adjustment. We want it running great for racing season.
Well, getting the kids to bed wasn't too bad, but Bryr missed his daddy.
Now that my day is about done, I'll tell you about my new vehicle. Ok. It's not brand new, but it is new to me. It is a 2000 Ford Windstar. Silver with grey interior. It isn't fancy, but it might not be our final one. The dealer that Todd bought it from said that he will look for one that we want after tax craziness is over and we will basically swap them out. I will post a picture later. I haven't downloaded any photos from my camera since it crashed and we lost everything.
I hope that you guys enjoy reading about the life of a busy mom, because that is what my husband thinks I am. He remarked once that "you're a stay-at-home mom, but you're never home!" That is true! Anyway, that's a wrap for one night.


At 6:43 PM , Blogger tamra said...

Welcome to the blog world! Tamra


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