The Life of a Busy Mom

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The weekend - yahoo!!!

I finally feel like the weekend has begun and it is half over. I had another busy week!! After mom left, I had one day to try to get everything back to normal, right, before going back to work. I was filling in for the normal production girls at work, so I went in on Thursday and Friday as well as my normal Saturday. I pulled 23 hours in those three days, which might not seem like that many, but to a nursing mom that can seem like eternity. We did alright taking an extended lunch break, and using my pump during that break helped. I know that the prophet has counseled against mothers with small kids working outside of the home, but when I go to work that one Saturday a month, I get the adult interaction (other than church and family) with people that I don't see everyday or talk to, and I get the feeling of being needed, and I like getting compliments from the boss like "I don't know what we'd do without you" and "You really saved us this month". It makes me feel like I'm needed by more than just my husband and kids. Being a mom is a hard job, the hardest some would say, and it is rewarding, but I do enjoy taking one day and letting Todd get to spend more time with the kids and having to do the disiplining. It gives him a glimpse of what I go thru everyday. I am usually more appreciated when I get home, too. I also have fun at work. We joke around and visit. It is a very relaxed atmosphere (for me anyway). I made it home in time today for Todd to make it to the Priesthood session of general Conference. He rode with his brother Jeff and two of his boys. They stopped over afterwards for some ice cream. Now I need to get to bed. We lose an hour of sleep tonight and I want to be awake to listen to the prophet in the morning.


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