The Life of a Busy Mom

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Twas the night before birthday...

Twas the night before Saje's birthday, and all through the house, only the washer and dryer are stirring, and hopefully Target's caught another mouse (outside of course).
Saje's socks are folded all neatly in his dresser while visions of suki-suki dance in his head.
With dad sacked out on the bed and Saje right next to him, they had both laid down for a good night sleep.
WOW!! I can't believe that my last little one is getting sooo big!! Where does the time go? Some times I wish that babies can stay little forever, but I am grateful when they are potty trained and can communicate and help clean up their messes. I guess that when a mom has the time to sit down and think about life and time passing and starts to wish for little feet pattering down the hall again, it's time for grandkids. Anyway. I love my kids and love watching them learn and grow. Teyla showed signs of almost being mature enough to babysit. We were outside working on the yard as a family and she was giving the other children all rides in the dump wagon behind the lawn mower. She drove them around for about 45 minutes with all of them smiling and laughing...Saje even fell asleep. Todd and I were in the garden area pulling weeds when I overheard Teyla trying to whisper to the other kids, "Let's go get in our pajamas and brush our teeth and surprise mom and dad." How thoughtful. There are little moments when she does at a bit mature. I look forward to more times like that.
Today was busy. With a cookie sale at the elementary school that I made 3 types of cookies for, Bryr having school, yard work (those ouchy rose bushes won't prune themselves), dinner, and hetting things ready for our Dutch oven Community Potluck next week, and then with Easter I have enough going on?
Well, enough for tonight. I want to wake up refreshed for another busy day!


At 7:20 AM , Blogger HOWARD'S said...

See, I told you, you ARE busy!


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