The Life of a Busy Mom

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Holy Helicopters Batman, or did Bryr learn to fly?

What another busy month it has been!!! I am soo excited for school to be getting out soon! I think I am MORE EXCITED than the kids! But enough about that. What is this about Bryr learning to fly?

Last weekend, April 25th & 26th, Bryr had two separate races. Friday was the AMA State Championship #1 Plate race and Saturday was the Lorreta Lynn National Qualifier.

Friday was AWESOME! The girls all had school, so I took Saje and we went to watch. Bryr was wicked fast and took 1st place in both motos. I will post pictures tomorrow (I'm at work right now), but he was so fast, he lapped the other kids on the same bike (KTM 50ProJr), some more than once, and kept up with the two fastest kids on ProSeniors (they are bigger than ProJrs.). He did great!

Saturday was a little bit different. I didn't get to go because I had to work, so the rest of this is from what Todd told me. Bryr went out for the practice session, like he always does, and had fun. He then had to wait until the 6th moto for his class to be up. In those first 5 motos, the Pros tore the track up pretty badly, so it wasn't the same as when Bryr practiced. Anyway, mostly through the first lap he went around a corner and hit a hole (a deep rut that the pros had left) and he learned to fly. The biggest problem flying, tho, was that his bike went flying, too. His handlebars smacked his cheek a bit hard and he went down. Todd ran!! and the medics ran. After a few minutes, the medics said he was not broken and didn't have a concussion and Bryr got up and got back on his bike and finished the race (there was no way that he wasn't going to finish a national qualifier). He rode slowly over to the finish line and waited there until the checkered flag came out and he rolled over the finish line. He salvaged a third place. He then went straight to the trailer (as is customary after any race), to wait for Todd. Todd got lucky with his parking spot. Saturday he was surrounded by 3 pros. Anyway, by the time Todd got to the trailer (about 1 min after Bryr - if that) Kodi (one of the pros) had already put Bryr's bike on the stand and he and his girlfriend had Bryr's helmet off and were scrounging for bandages and neosporen. I am glad that motorcycles have grips on the handlebars, because if they didn't, my son's face would be permanently scarred. The other two pros that were right around came over to see what they could do to help. They hung around for a little while and talked to Bryr and doted on him. They signed his old jersey that he had grown out of, and signed his #1 plate that he had won the day before, and were just awesome guys. Jump ahead about 2 hours. Bryr laid down for a while and rested. Todd asked him if he wanted to call it a day and go home. Bryr said, "NO!" and told Todd that he was going to race the second moto. His cheek and eye had swollen up pretty bad, but he could see ok and he wanted to qualify for regionals (so that he could go to nationals). The medics said he was cleared to race if he wanted, so he was going to do it. When Bryr started up his bike to warm it up before going to the starting gate, people's heads turned. Noone expected him to race again Saturday after the first moto's wreck, but there he was going to the starting line. As Todd walked next to him as he rode to the gate, he saw people stand up and start clapping for Bryr. When the gate went down, it was as if nothing had happened. Bryr went out there and rode hard and kept up with the top guy on the bigger bike and came in 1st in his class (over a lap ahead of everyone else). Talk about boy of steel. One of the pros commented that Bryr was tougher than nails and that if that had happened to him today he probably wouldn't have raced the second moto. He took home his first loss of the year (he came in 2nd overall), but still qualified to go to regionals.

Saturday night was also Stake Conference. Todd didn't make it home in time to go, so I took good notes for him. Bryr was in bed sleeping when I got home, but I could tell that he didn't look like my Bryr. Sunday morning, his eye was puffed shut and purple, and his cheek was still very swollen. Good thing I have peas & carrots in my freezer, and lots of ibuprofen in my medicine cupboard.

The swelling is going down, but the color is getting more vibrant. He looks like he is wearing too much Halloween makeup. I kept hime home from school on Monday, but I think he will go back tomorrow. His teacher is aware of what happened and has talked to the kids in his class, and Todd and I have talked to him about what to say if someone asks him what happened. With it being this close to the end of the school year, he can't miss two weeks (I don't know if his bruises would be gone in two weeks) of school. I'm going to go in the morning with him, and if things are too rough, he'll come home for a couple more days.

The kid is definitely tough. He is excited that the swelling around his eye is gone down enough that he can see without it being blurry, and he is looking forward to the next state series race that is this weekend. He would have been out riding tonight had it not been so windy or raining.

Everyone else is doing well. Teyla has her band festival on Thursday, and Shiloah is going to Eagle Island State Park for a Civil War reinactment day. I took the kids last year and they all had a blast. Cassie hasn't figured out what sport/activity she wants to participate in, but she is still the MAJOR Drama QUEEN!!!!! Saje Bug loves to watch Bryr ride and likes to get rides from Shiloah or Cassie. He is also learning how to ride his bicycle so that soon he will be able to ride a motorcycle. Todd has the Idaho City 100 coming up the last day of May, so he is trying to train for that, and I am just trying to keep up with everyone and work and volunteer at the same time. I am having a blast with my new calling as the Beehive Advisor. There are soooo many things to do, so I am going to go home and go to bed now. I will post the pictures of Bryr's lovelies in the morning.