The Life of a Busy Mom

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Thank Goodness I didn't have to post my last draft!!

What a wild couple of weeks!! Normally, Spring Break is a blast!!! This year was a little different. Not that we didnt' have fun, but it was a bit stressful in the beginning! To see why, check out...

David, my brother, was missing, and through wonderful people was found. I am VERY grateful for the campers and park ranger that were in the area that he camped!! He is recovering, but it will be a journey. Hopefully a smooth one. I had written a post re: David being missing, but didn't want to post it, so when I got the phone call that he had been found, it was a relief!!!

After David was found, I was able to concentrate a little better on some of the other things going on last week. Tuesday morning, shortly after midnight, Saje started throwing up. YUCK!!! At 7am I threw up my hands and tried to climb into bed - the other kids were starting to wake up, so I figured that I could get at least 2 hours of shut-eye. Almost. After I got up, at a bout 9, Cassie started complaining about her throat hurting. I told her to gargle...salt water is amazing! Didn't work. By Teusday night, she was a whinning mess, so I told her that I'd take her to the doctor in the morning. Saje was feeling better, thank goodness!!! Wednesday morning, I took Cassie to the doctors office. Strep. How annoying!!! Doesn't her throat realize that I am way too busy for people to be sick? I was struggling to get all of the curtains made for the "rolling ghetto", because Thursday morning we were supposed to be heading to Pleasant Valley Raceway for a weekend of racing. I was a mess. Almost all of the curtains got finished, but I have to fix the door curtain - when i measured it, I measured the inside of the window, so I could use tension rods, but Walmart didn't have any, so I had to use a different kind that hung a little above the window - by adding about 4 inches onto the bottom and putting a chocolate brown trim to cover the seam. I didn't get the bathroom curtain hung, but that was ok because it still had mini-blinds, and we able to use the water in there yet (there is a hole in the holding tank, and Todd didn't know until Wed. night that there are 2 holding tanks, so we didn't even fill the water tank, because we weren't planning on having running water. Next trip, we will find out how to switch between the tanks and be able to have running water and not have to use bottled water and have a basin in the sink to catch water. Brushing teeth is hard without running water... ewww!).

Racing went pretty interestingly. There were a few big wrecks on Friday - none involving Bryr, thank goodness!!! Friday morning, one of Bryr's main local competitors was hurt when a rider was coming around a corner, slid into the hay bales, and was thrown into the crowd. The bike landed on Bryr's friend. I wasn't right there, but I guess there was a bit of blood - head injuries tend to bleed. He had a cut on his head, but once the paramedics controlled the bleeding, he was just about fine. Saturday, Bryr had a minor crash with the boy that beat him on Friday. They were both going over a big jump at the same time, but the other boy swerved into Bryr - they collided mid-air. I was on the other side of the track and about had a heart attack. By the time I got over there, Bryr was speeding around the next corner. After they collided, Bryr got right up, put his hands up in the air, shouted "I'm ok, I'm ok", got back on his bike, and took off. Todd was right there and kept his bike going. He lost a couple of spots, but was able to get back into 2nd or 3rd by the finish. The other boy bit his lip and tongue pretty bad (going about 1/2 way through), but is ok too. I worked in the registration shack most of the weekend, but had a blast. Teyla got a little bit of sun - she was a flagger - but had a lot of fun and was excited that she got to help. Shiloah, Cassie, and Saje hung out, played in the playground, and had fun watching too. I was glad to get home and back to my bed!! Todd didn't fare so well tho. Thursday night, the pilot light on the furnace wouldn't stay lit, so he was getting up at least evey hour to relight the furnace. He inhalled a bit of propane. Friday night, the furnace didn't want to work so well, so we brought in a propane space heater. It heated up the "ghetto" extremely well, but the fumes were not so great. Saturday morning, Todd woke up coughing mildly. By Saturday night, he wasn't feeling well and was coughing more. Sunday he didn't go to church. Monday, he went to work, still feeling yucky and hacking up tons and he started draining. Tuesday, he went to work and his whole crew was sick - either barfing, or draining, etc. His boss asked him if he was coming in on Wed. He didn't know. Wednesday morning, he started throwing up at about 5:30, and has finally, today, having his first bit of food stay down. Yuck!!! I don't have time for anyone else to get sick!!!

When I have a few minutes, I will go take some pictures of our "ghetto" so you can all see the beautiful retro curtains. The "ghetto" isn't out of remodel mode, but we are doing bits at a time. It is a work in progress :) like everything else in my life :)


At 8:04 AM , Blogger Kaci said...

Welcome back to blogger world! I was wondering what was going on with you guys. Is your life always that crazy? I had no idea about David......I am so glad that he was found and is recovering!! We'll keep him in our prayers!


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