The Life of a Busy Mom

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's September already!!! - Where did the summer go?

Time sure flew this summer!!! I love having fun, and this summer was no exception. We did tons of racing, some visiting, and some traveling.

I went to California for the first time ever. That was interesting. As soon as we crossed the border we were stopped by the "Border Patrol" inspecting vehicles for and oranges or cherries that people were trying to "smuggle" into the state. Fun - huh. I thought this was America - do I need a passport to travel to Utah now?

Next topic. I now have a Facebook account. I am having fun meeting up with old friends from high school or church or even just keeping in touch with my nieces that don't live around here. I'm not a pro yet, but it's fun. Check it out.

Teyla is elated that school has started back up. She is still playing her saxaphone and is still 1st chair. She loves her dance class and is excited that she gets to have dance again next semester. She is also very, very excited that her b-day is next month. She is eager to go to the stake dances. She is growing up into a beautiful young woman.

Shiloah has decided that she not only wants to play volleyball and run track, but she wants to play the violin as well. Today was the first day that she got to take her new violin to orchestra practice. Talk about excitement!!!

Cassie has been a great cousin trying to help her 1st grade cousin Tierra adjust to a new school. She is a little social butterfly and is doing very well in math.

Bryr finished the Western Idaho Motocross Series a week ago Saturday. He finished in 1st place in the 4-6 stock class and the 4-6 open class. There are some new kids that are pretty fast, but they don't jump many of the things that Bryr does, and they haven't been to any other tracks, so they are not very well rounded or experienced yet. It makes me nervous when one of these kids lines up right next to Bryr at the starting gate. He's been taken out a couple of times by one of them and had to make up the time. We have one more state series race left - then I can breathe!

Saje is my little Spiderman. I found a Spidey costume somewhere (I think at a yard sale) and he LOVES to wear it. He hates when I tell him that it's time to take it off to wash it. He wishes that he could go to school. On the first day, when I took the other kids, he went with his backpack and hung it up in a cubby, and was ready to stay, but was very sad when I told him that he didn't have a teacher at the school and couldn't stay. He felt better when I told him that we would have school at home.

All together we are pretty healthy and happy, besides the few sniffles that seem to come when school starts. We are all pretty busy with racing, music, church, and other activities, but we still have the time to visit with our friends and family.


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