The Life of a Busy Mom

Thursday, January 03, 2008

And the "eyes" have it! I guess that I am starting the year and the whole resolution thing off right! With a new year comes new things, and by the title of this blog, it involves eyes. Back in the fall, I knew Teyla and Shiloah needed new glasses, but it wasn't quite a priority. In October, Cassie joined the ranks of those getting the letter from the school nurse saying that she had failed her eye test twice, and that she needed to go to the optomitrist. Over Christmas break, all three girls went and all three girls picked out new glasses. Cassie was excited. For a long time she had been insisting that she needed glasses, and Todd and I thought she was just trying to be like the older girls. What got me, tho, was that the Optomitrist said that her eyes were the worst of the three and that they would always be worse than the other girls. It looks like Cassie is more like Todd than we thought, and Teyla and Shiloah are more like me in the eye department. Here are a few pics of the girls showing off their new glasses. Teyla hasn't gotten her new glasses yet, but they should be here any day. They like their new glasses and they see better.
Christmas was interesting this year. It wasn't bad, but it was a little weird. For the first time ever, we did not go over to Todd's parent's house Christmas afternoon and visit/play. I didn't quite know what to do with all the time we had. We tried out the new "Scene It, Jr." game that Santa brought, and watched movies and ate treats. It was a lot of fun.
I am starting to feel more comfortable in my new calling as the Beehive Advisor. We have 13 girls right now, Teyla being one of them. I'm new to the whole YW thing. I've been in Primary, RS, and S.S., just not YW, so this is a new adventure. I will get to go to YW Camp, and do the fun stuff now. I'm excited. It is also a great learning experience. It is fun teaching the lessons and hearing what the girls think about things.
Well, Todd needs some "Debra time", so I'll write more later. If you have anything you want me to clue you in about, let me know!


At 8:40 AM , Blogger ~Our Rockabilly Army Lives~ said...

FINALLY!! lol..glad to see you back on here! The girls look cute!

At 6:00 PM , Blogger HOWARD'S said...

I love girls camp.
The girls look great in their new glasses and I can't believe how big they are! I can't wait to see Teyla. How are the boys?


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