The Life of a Busy Mom

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I thought bad luck came in threes.

Have you ever heard the saying that bad luck comes in threes? It also comes in multiples of threes. We have been dealing with the second set of three bad things that have happened since December. I don't remember if I had mentioned in a previous post about my not so great Christmas present that I got (the new tires, alignment, tie rod ends, etc.), but I have received almost the same gift for Valentine's day as well. This time it was the back tires. Yippee!! Can you feel the excitement radiating through the computer? Hmmm........................................ I'm not feeling it either. It wasn't great. It didn't help that Todd didn't get home that night until about 11:30. Anyway, I got over it.
Last month I was asked if I would take my old deliver route back over (the person that was doing it moved). I thought, great, I would have a little extra money, get the things on my need/want list. WRONG!!!!! Last Monday, the 18th, I started delivering again. It kind-of stunk because the kids had the whole week off of school for P/T Conf, holiday, collaboration, etc. I tried to make it fun. Todd did'nt go to work Monday, using his sister in town as a good excuse, so the kids had fun with him, all except Teyla, she went with me. Tues and Wed, the boys went to a friends house and Shiloah and Cassie stayed home and played with cousins at the church, and Teyla had school (because she is in a different school district). We made it through it, but not without bumps and bruises. Tuesday morning, Saje made it out the door before I did and wondered what it would be like to throw a rock at the van window (for anger management, I like to think he was trying to play annie-annie-over). Well.... what do you think happens to frozen window when it is hit by a hard object? Exactly. It shattered. I was very good about not yelling, screaming, swearing, hitting, throwing, or hanging kids upside-down by their toenails. I went in the house, got the clear packaging tape, taped the window together (it was shattered, but it was still in tight enough that pieces weren't all falling everywhere) and went on my way. I called Todd and he was a bit frustrated, too, but what I was going to make in the three days would pay for the window. We made it through the rest of the day. Wednesday morning, I woke up with a toothache (One of my molars broke at the beginning of last summer when I bit into a Snickers Shake from Artic Circle and without insurance, we haven't had the $$ to get it fixed), so I took some Advil (took the bottle with me to work) and left. Halfway through the day, I was driving down the road, hurting so bad that I was tearing up. Didn't feel good. On my way home, I jumped on the freeway and then jumped off when I realized that my window was no longer attached except where I had duck taped it that morning. I stopped at Lowe's and got a new roll of duck tape and added some more. I noticed that my cheek was also feeling a bit funny and numb in one spot, so when I got home I laid down with a bag of tater tots on my face (I didn't have frozen peas). The next morning wasn't any better, but I had stuff to do so I took some more medicine and went about it. I took the kids bowling after lunch. As long as I was busy it didn't bug me too bad, but as soon as I didn't have anything to do, ow! Friday morning, I had a meeting at work, and while there was talking to a co-worker that gave me a business card of a dentist that will work with people that don't have insurance, so I called them. They are closed until Monday morning, so tomorrow morning, I will be calling them at 8 am. Oh, and to top it all off, Saturday morning I attended a RS Visiting Teaching Brunch. It was great, except for the pain and the difficulty eating waffles with a swolen face and painful teeth. What was the topper was when I got home and Shiloah came to me with a container with 2 bugs in it and said that she found them when she was brushing her hair. 4 out of the 5 kids had bugs. I was ticked!!!!! So to culminate my awful week, I have been washing everything and doing hair checks, multiple times a day. So... how many bad things does that make? 1. Tires 2. More tires 3. Window 4. Tooth 5. Bugs. I don't have the strength for anymore.

Now, to look of the positive side, we did get our Fed. taxes back, so we can pay off the credit card and a few other things, and we were able to find a window at a junk yard for about $450 less than what a new one would have cost. We are still going to have it professionally installed, even tho Todd does know how to do it and has done one in the past month for a friens, but he doesn't have the time, plus, they are going to fix the rubber seal thing between the door and the van (it needs some adhesive). We have been blessed, but why do the challenges have to come so fast and so close together? I have not asked for patience, or $$, or anything like that from Heavenly Father, so he must think that I need something. Oh well. I didn't go to church today because I didn't want the stares or the questions about my half puffy face. I got enough of that at the brunch. Didn't want to go through that again.

My kids saw "Escape to Witch Mountain" and "Return From Witch Mountain" today. They thought they were great. I love the good old movies. Todd's sister Melanie borrowed "The North Avenue Irregulars" and my kids think "Savannah Smiles" is boring, but I like them. It's time to get the kids ready for tomorrow, so bye.


At 12:19 PM , Blogger HOWARD'S said...

Not FUN! You need a vacation!

At 4:54 PM , Blogger tamra said...

I know the feeling...I have been dealing with a massive earache since thursday. I finally went to the doctor's today. When he looked into my ear he said, "ouch!"
It is very de-abilitating to have pain in your face!

At 7:50 AM , Blogger ~Our Rockabilly Army Lives~ said...

she lives glad to see you blogging! Hope you have a better a break and come stay with


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