The Life of a Busy Mom

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Bryr finally attempted this jump in a race and look how he did. He cleared it then some. Before last weekend he would slow down and roll through it, but at practice the night befofre, he finally got the courage to try it (our jumps at home are similar to this one, but they are filled in so he couldn't hit the face of the second bump). It really helped him to keep his speed up and go faster.

This is Saturday morning. Bryr is the first person in his class to ever get an AMA #1 plate for the State of Idaho. Way to go Bryr!!

This is not too long before the 2nd moto (I think). I didn't get to go back Saturday because it was my work day.

Here Bryr is proudly holding his 2nd place plaque. After taking 3rd and then coming back and winning the 2nd moto, it averages out to 2nd.

This last picture is what I saw when I got home from Stake Conference Saturday night. After a rough day at the track. You can't see much, but by the morning his eye was swollen shut. A lady at Stake Conference that was sitting behind us asked me if this was a result of baseball season. Ha Ha. My son is not that uncoordinated as to get hit in the eye with a baseball. Hmmm.
He has recooperated well. I kept him home from school on Monday because he still couldn't see well, but he went Wednesday and Friday. His eye now only has a racoon ring around it and his cheek looks a little mottled, but the color has faded immensley!
He got lucky and dad picked him up from school an right after last recess (about 45 min early) on Friday to go to Mountain Home for another race.