The Life of a Busy Mom

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer, Summer, Oh how I love summer

Isn't this a great picture of my kids! On our way back from California (to race and see Thor), we stopped at the sand dunes just north of Winnemucca and played for about 10 minutes. Can you see the dary grey sky? Yea, that hit about 2 minutes after we left. We all had a blast and the kids were able to get some of their energy out. This was on Memorial Day. I was glad that we were able to stay at Thor's and visit him. The kids had a blast trying to catch lizards, and loved singing Thor's "The War Box" songs half of the trip.

I am soooooo glad that school is out and I have some free time. Ha Ha did I say I had free time? When is it? and when can I get some? We have been going non-stop since school let out, and here we go again! I can't believe June is almost over.

Let's see. We've been to California over Memorial Weekend, we've been to Glenn's Ferry, and there have been a few other race weekends. There were 4 weekends in a row that we had races, but we were all together, except for one of them, Bryr and Todd went to Glenn's Ferry (the first time) alone. We all went to cheer Todd on at the Idaho City race as he crossed the finish line (see picture below). All of the guys that went this year finished. It was awesome!!!

Last week, I was only home for half of it. Tuesday and Wednesday was ward girls camp (not to be confused with our stake's "Young Women of Zion" camp which will be the week after we get home. At ward girls camp we do the certification part. At the stake's camp, they focus on the spiritual aspects, more like a youth conference. Then, Friday, I left for our stake RS "Fill Your Bucket" retreat. It was great! There was enough free time and play time to balance out the class time. We could stay up late and play or go to bed early (the cabins were chosen based on when you wanted to go to sleep). I stayed up late, then went to bed. It was a blast.

The next few weeks will be a lot of fun tho. Sunday after church we will head to Utah to visit and play for a few days, then we are off to Preston, ID for the next race in the state series. Bryr is still undefeated in the state series.

Teyla and Shiloah are going to go to volleyball camp next month. They have both been interested in volleyball. Shiloah has played rec. district ball for the past two years and has enjoyed it. Teyla has played at church a little and has discovered that she likes it, too. It is almost a prerequisite to be a Walker that you learn to play volleyball somewhat. I confess that I am not a pro, or even semi-pro, but I can hang in there with some of the better ones. I do duck, tho, if Greg, one of Greg's boys, or Todd goes to spike one. They spike hard.

Cassie is having fun with Tiera (Jeff's youngest daughter) living so close. Ok. They are not in their house yet, but they are over every day and will be in within a couple of weeks. My kids are excited to have MORE cousins close. It is also good because they don't get bored and want to stay inside and watch TV all day. Yeah!!

Saje is having a blast! His hair is almost white, because he is outside playing soooo much. He loves to ride his bike as fast as he can. I have to make sure that he has shoes on, tho, because he has scraped off the end of his toe a few times. He loves to go to Bryr's races and is excited that his "bike" is just waiting for him to be able to hold it up. He sure loves his brother and wants to be just like him.

Well, I'd better get to work. The garden will not hoe itself (gosh darnit), so I'd better do it before we don't have a garden because the weeds took it over, AGAIN!