The Life of a Busy Mom

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hair - who has any left when they have a teenager!

AARRRGGGHHH!!!!! She's not even a teenager yet, but man is she tempermental!!!!! Sometimes I think Shiloah is dead set to make as many waves before school as she can and leave for school with a tumultuous wake behind her. Mom - she's wearing my leggings, she's looking at me, she won't take my leggings off, she... the list goes on. Then, of course, Cassie Rae must respond with a "But mom..." Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and hide under my blankets, but that wouldn't work because I would still be able to hear them clear across the house.

Saje said the funniest thing about 2 weeks ago. We were sitting at the table, having breakfast and scriptures, and he was looking out the window at the pre-sunrise sky (the sun wasn't quite up, but it was getting light) and said, "Mom, the sky is broken," in a rather matter-of-fact observative three-year-old way. I was thinking "What?", but when I got to looking at it, he saw the mountains, the blue sky, and a a thick big group of clouds that spanned the entine visual field. It looked layered. I thought it was a funny observation, but he is a funny boy.

Bryr has stated that he wants to play basketball with his friend Riley when it start up with the Rec District. I think it would be a good thing for him. He loves to ride/race his motorcycle, but he isn't well rounded in the team sport area yet. Someone mentioned that he should play football next fall because he is built like a brick and is rather tough.

Teyla is getting tooooo excited for her Birthday later this month. She can't wait to get to go to stake dances. Her first one will be the Gold & Green Ball (formal). She has been planning with her cousin Breann all the girlie things like dresses, hair, accessories... It will be fun. I got a new dress too. We are going to have a fun day getting ready.

Here is a picture of Bryr at the awards ceremony of the Idaho State Series with his trophy (that is so big that the only place in the house that it fits is on the floor next to the piano). The problem with trophies that size is that when you have 3 of them - where do you put them? There is only the one open side of the piano. We are going to take one or two fo them to one of the motorcycle shops that sponsors him so they can be on display. We are in the process of getting/choosing sponsorship offers. If you want to check out his webpage and see how he's done, you can go to:

This was at the banquet for the Western Idaho Motocross Series - he took 1st place in 2 classes, so he got 2 of these trophies that are about a foot taller than he is.

This one is at the state series awards ceremony at the OMC Track. It was a Sunday morning and we were going straight to church after (we don't start until 1pm right now while our building is being remodeled- but that is a whole other topic that I don't want to get started on!!!!! ARGH!), instead of the free riding day for all qualified riders. There were 20 kids that races in the series, but only 2 that qualified for trophies (you had to race a certain # of races and if you were 1 short, you didn't place). Bryr had enough points to not even race the final race (in the mud and bad weather the day before the awards ceremony) and still be 100 points ahead. It was awesome!

Well, it's off to get the kids ready for school. Teyla left an hour ago (for her charter school in Nampa), but the elementary kids don't leave for another hour. Bryr wants to play the PS2, but we need to have breakfast and scriptures first, so.... until next time.