The Life of a Busy Mom

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where does the time go?

So I noticed that it has been a while since I last posted. We've had Easter and a few other things going on. It just reiterates that I am busy, busy, busy!! Friday, the 14th, we had a fun little family party for Saje's 1st birthday. We had the traditional whipped cream and strawberry cake. He really enjoyed it!!! We also decorated 3 dozen eggs for Easter after the party. Saturday the 15th Saje got his first haircut. He looks like a little man now instead of a bozo-the-clown/Billy Ray Syrus wannabe. I mean that in the nicest way. I had to get rid of the wings or he was going to fly away. For some reason it is not letting me add his pictures in, so I'll do that later. We did the Letha egg scramble thing and went to a egg hunt at Todd's mom & dad's house, where Shiloah found the golden egg (it had $2.00 in it). Since some of the kids don't eat candy, we use mostly the traditional hard-boiled eggs as well as plastic ones, but the plastic ones have money (not a lot, mainly dimes, nickels, and quarters) or candy in them. It is always fun to watch the kids try to find the eggs, especially the golden eggs (there are 2 of them and they are hidden in hard spots!!). This year it took about half an hour for Shiloah to find the last golden egg. It was hidden in one of the juniper bushes. They are pretty prickly, so she was brave to try to find it. Anyway, that was fun!!! Easter Sunday was a bit interesting. The building was shut down after Sunday School because the toilets weren't flushing, so noone could use them. I tried to make a nice Easter dinner with ham and potatoes, but like Christmas, it didn't happen. I bought a big shank ham and I understood that all you had to do was hat and serve. I didn't know that it would take so long to heat it, so we had Easter dinner for FHE the next night. It was still a nice day. This last week has been full of sick boys (the barfy kind - yuck!!) and meetings. Tomorrow night Todd and I get to go to a Prime Rib dinner for the Policy Council for Bryr's pre-school. I'm sure that it will be yummy!! Todd told me that he had a talk with his boss and that he won't be working as many late nights. Well see. The last 4 pay periods have averages about 95 hours on them. Todd leaves now at 4:15 am to go to the gym and work out for 2 hours before work to get into shape for the Idaho City 100 (motorcycle race/timed event). He's getting bigger muscles :):):) Anyway...The kids, school, PTO, church callings, family... all keep me busy as can be!! I have started reading the "Children of Promise" series and can't seem to put it down. It is awesome!!!! I checked it out from our local library. Cool huh! Anyway, I need to go to sleep. Another busy day tomorrow!!!


At 10:00 AM , Blogger HOWARD'S said...

What is the the Letha Scrambled egg thing?
Enjoy the books, they're great!!

At 10:45 AM , Blogger tamra said...

Sound's like your Easter was a lot like mine! Fun memories for the kids!

At 9:43 PM , Blogger Debra Walker said...

The "Letha Scrambled Egg" thing is just what I call their egg hunt. It's not a hunt. They use the church's ball field, divide it into age groups, divide the eggs into the number of groups, and just put them out there somewhat evenly. Then, at 10am, the kids scramble and see how many eggs they can get.


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