The Life of a Busy Mom

Thursday, June 29, 2006

off we go....

The kids and I are off to Utah in the morning. We are going to stay with Tamra for a little while and Mom for a little while too. We don't exactly when we are going to get home, it all depends on how the kids behave. We are going to the 4th of July parade in Provo with Tamra and her family. It is kind of a tradition. I think that in the past 5 or 6 years we have only missed one. That's pretty good. The kids are all excited about it. I can't say that I'm not. I look forward to this trip every year. We have fun!!!

This last Friday night, July 23rd, Bryr had another race. Todd entered Bryr in the Junior class instead of the Starter class like he should have due to his experience. It didn't matter tho, Bryr took first place!!! There was one kid in the first moto that beat him, but in the second moto, Bryr took the hole shot and stayed in the front and won, giving him the over-all first place trophy. He was excited!!! I didn't get to see him, because I was at our ward's Relief Society Time-Out for Women. We went up to Lary Walker's lodge (he's Todd's dad's cousin that is a lawyer). The sign hanging over the door is "Lord Lary's Lodge". It is awesome!! We stayed up until 4:30 am playing spoons. It was a blast!!! Saje went with me, but he slept ver nicely. I was grateful for that.

Everyone is doing ok, except for Todd. At Bryr's race, during one of the other races, there was a crash and the flaggers weren't getting the riders attention enough, so they moved to a better position so that the riders could see them better. While they did that, Todd and another guy jumped the fence and helped the fallen riders get their bikes off the track. In the process, Todd's right big toe nail was ripped off. Frustrating, because he just got the other one fixed. Anyway, he is cringing when the kids get near his feet again..

The girls are doing great. Shiloah and Cassie had their birthdays. Shiloah had her first real slumber party. She was on a high for a few days. Cassie had a little family party, but is looking forward to going shopping in Utah.

I'd better get finished packing. I hope you enjoy reading this.


At 1:00 PM , Blogger tamra said...

So very excited for your visit!!

At 11:01 AM , Blogger Marla said...

Glad you are home. Hope you had a wonderful time.


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