The Life of a Busy Mom

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Where did the summer go?

I can't believe that summer vacation is almost over!!! My kids only have 3 weeks left before school starts. They are not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to getting my house back in one piece and getting projects caught up on. The last month has been a riot!! We had a blast in Utah for the 4th of July. The kids totally enjoyed playing with their Ockey cousins and with the friends they made in mom's ward, the Partridges. Their kids are about the same ages as mine, so all the kids had someone to play with. Unlike Tamra, we made it home in one piece. Tired, but glad to be home.
Since then, I have gone camping with Todd's brother Jeff's ward, worked a few more days than normal, gone to the dam with the Faith in God girls, worked a few more days, had our ward rodeo, had a blast in Utah (again) with my Mom, Tamra & Sherilee, Aunt Kathy, and cousin Jennifer, worked one day, shopped til I about dropped for the PTO fair booth at the county fair that is going on this week, and have manned the booth twice already this week.
Yesterday, before I went in for my shift at the fair booth, I took Bryr and Saje and went grocery shopping for the next two or three weeks. We had fun. Today I am not working at the booth so that I can get the house ready for us to go to the family reunion tomorrow morning.
Life has been nonstop all summer and I am ready for a break!!!!


At 8:47 PM , Blogger tamra said...

Yep! I'm ready for school to begin, too! Great summer fun, though!


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