The Life of a Busy Mom

Friday, October 27, 2006

Where have I gone?

For those who have wondered where I have been, I am trying to come back to the land of the living. I have been soooo busy that I haven't had the time to sit and write even for a few minutes, but I am taking a few minutes to write what we've been up to. School started and my life got more hectic. On top of being the PTO Treasurer, the Dino-Minute Chairperson, and the PTO's Accellerated Reading Committee Rep., I am also the Vice Chairperson for the Parent Committee at Bryr's school as well as being on the Policy Council. At church, I am still the Activities Committee/Public Affairs Chairperson and I am also on the Stake Activities Committee. I try to get together one day a week to scrapbook with a couple friends. Teyla is playing basketball and her practices are Mon & Wed. Mutual is also on Wed., now that she will be 12 on Sunday. Wow. Am I really that old? Bryr's last race for the season is tommorrow. It will be a nice break. The Sacrament Meeting Program is Sunday, too. Take a breath. Saje is cutting a couple more teeth. Teyla was sick yesterday, too. Can you tell my week has been busy, not to mention the last coupple months.

The girls and Todd went to the Father/Daughter campout. They only got to go for one night, but they had a good time. My girls like to go fishing and camping as much as possible. Father/Daughter started because some of the Walker daughters were jealous that the boys had father/sons, but the girls didn't have a special camping trip with their dads. This is their way to get that. Anyway, my girls slept for a few hours when they got home. That tells me that they had fun.

I'd better get going. Bryr is having a coughing fit and it is very late. I have to get up pretty early to get to CostCo before going to Bryr's race in the morning. If anyone is interested and wants to see pics of Bryr racing, go to (Pleasant Valley Cycle Park) Go to the photo section. Click on the date October 14th. Bryr is #906 (His B-Day9-06-01, this way he remembers his birthdate). He is in a lot of the pictures of the little guys. Have fun. See ya later.


At 7:15 AM , Blogger HOWARD'S said...

WOW! Teyla is a young women?!?!?! Time sure does fly. What a special birthday 12 is. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEYLA!!!!

At 9:24 PM , Blogger tamra said...

Welcome back buzy mom!! I was starting to wonder if you'd ever blog again... he he... Happy birthday Teyla!!!

At 9:25 PM , Blogger tamra said...

(like I have room to talk...) You know I'm just teasing!


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