The Life of a Busy Mom

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Just another weekend - not

This weekend was a little different than most. My mom came to visit. We were all excited. Thursday after getting done with the Accelerated Reading (AR) /Dino-Minute (reading program) Store, we jetted to the airport and picked up mom. We stopped at a few places on the way home, leaving enough time to get stuff in the house before falling down tired. Friday morning, we headed nice and early (7am.) to the elementary school so the kids could have "Donuts w/Dad" and so I could take down the store. After that, we hurried home to get ready for Grandpa Vernon Walker's funeral. It was a really nice funeral. Lots of singing and memories, and it didn't exceed 1 hr. 15 min. We then went to the cemetary for the dedication of the grave and visiting and singing. We then headed back to the school because Shiloah and Cassie were inducted into "Hawks Club" (it's like Student of the month kind of thing). After the cookies and punch that comes for the families after the awards banquet, we rushed back to the church for the family dinner. It was yummy, but I was feeling a little rushed - I wonder why. My little people didn't want to sit still, so we went home to find Todd and one of his nephews playing with our new 55 inch HiDef. TV that Todd brought home from work Thursday night. We visited for a little while and then went out to dinner. It was yummy! We went to Sizzler. When we got home, some of Todd's bros. and sisters were next door playing games, so some of us went over and some when home tired. Saturday morning Todd went and fixed a little thing in my new van, as well as give it an oil change. He then went riding with some of his cousins and mom and I took the kids yard saling. We found a few good things. I got a nice 3 burner camp stove for $20.00. We also had an interesting time at the laundry mat washing a blanket and a rug. That wasn't so much fun. When we were on the way home, I called Todd to see what was going on and we all ended throwing the two little motorcycles in the van and going to Kuna for a cousin get-together at Ben Decker's house. Mom went too and we played games and had dinner and had a lot of fun. Sunday was a bit more relaxed. We went to church, had lunch, watched a movie, had dinner, played a few rounds of Skip-Bo, and just visited. Monday, Todd had taken the day off and we took the bikes and bicycles, fishing poles, kids, and weenie-roasting stuff up to Willow Creek and spent the day hiking, riding, and enjoying the great outdoors. I had mom mountain climbing with me. We took turns with the motorcycles, and all the kids had fun fishing. We lost quite a few hooks and lures due to the extremely high creek, but it was a blast. We all had fun!!! Tuesday morning, we permed Teyla's hair and got everything packed and loaded and took mom to the airport after lunch. The kids were being onry and we had to stop 3 times, but mom made her flight. We enjoyed having her here and we are looking forward to when we are going to Utah in June. Today we have been recouperating from the long weekend and in a little while Saje has a dr. appt. to get his shots. Yahoo!! I'm not looking forward to it. Anyway, such is the life of a busy mom.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I will try again - if this doesn't work, I'll have to ask someone.

Family pisc.

I am going to try to add our pics. in

Back to Life

This week has been a long one!!! I am sure glad that it is over!!! Monday morning, I woke up with a fever. Now when does an adult get a fever? Saje had one too. My whole body hurt, but I had a leadership training conference to go to, so... I took some medicine and headed out the door. It was a great seminar! It focused on communication with the different personality types. I learned quite abit about my kids and their different communication styles, so hopefully I will be better able to communicate well with them. When that was over I hurried home because my in-laws got the girls from the bus, because I didn't make it home in time. We had FHE and by the time the kids got to bed, I was ready myself.
TueSdaY, again I woke up with a fever, as did Saje, but again I couldn't CrawL back into bED because not only did I have another day of seminars to attend, but I was going to be a speaker at one of them. So...I got Bryr to his friend's house` and Saje and I headed out. It was another good daY. The first hour focused on getting positive male role models involved in childrens' lives. Then (my part) Parents as Leaders - not just in the home, but in the community as well. I don't remember too much about what I said, because I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but I had another mother come up to me and thank me for what I said and she said that it gave her more confidence in being a parent. Good!! That was the goal. Dinner that night was not memorable. I was too tired to do it and don't remember it. Wednesday, Saje and I still had fevers, and I wasn't going to take Bryr to school, so the three of us slept on the couch for the whole morning until about 1:30. I got up and got a little done, but not much because Saje only wanted me to hold him - all day!! Didn't get much done, but didn't feel good enough to do anything anyway. Thursday, I woke up without the aches and pains for the first time all week, so I got up and tried to do something, but Saje still didn't feel too well, so most of the day was spent holding him, so that he didn't scream, and trying to clean up a little from the tornado that went thru my house the first few days of the week. Again we slept in a little. Being sick really wore me out!!!! I don't remember having been so tired in a long time! I took Bryr to school and got a few things done in town. I did get a little done around the house, and that was good. Friday morning, I woke up and neither Saje nor I had fevers, but Todd and Bryr did. Todd went to work, but Bryr didn't go to school. I tried to get stuff done, but again when boys get sick, the whole world seems to stop. I gave my boys the love they needed and got a little but done, so it was an ok day. Todd came home early and Todd and Bryr went in my room and went to bed. After a little while, I put Saje in there too and the boys took a nap together. I finally had some time to get some cleaning done. Shiloah had a friend spend the night, so the boys stayed away and the girls played. It was fun. Saturday was busy! Todd fixed the 2 small motorcycles and took the sump pump (I think that's what it's called) to the track to get all the rain water out. Bryr must have been feeling better because he rode for a little while. Shiloah was happy that she could ride too. I went across the field and visited with Aunt Mary for a while and had a good talk about old/terminally ill people dying. Then I came home and got busy on the house. I went to bed last night one tired woman! I woke up too early this morning with my boys climbing all over me. Todd had awaken early and had gone to the living room to let me sleep, but once the boys woke up there was no more sleep for me. Then the phone rang - before 7am. Who in their right mind would call us on a Sunday morning? Well, it was Todd's Dad calling to let us know that his Grandpa passed away this morni.n4g. S02ee2 the56 help from Saje. He likes to help me on the computer. Anyway, we told the kids and we talked about it over breakfast and they are okay with it. He had be sick with altziemers (I know the spelling is bad) for over 2 years and it was his time to go. It's now after church, and the girls and Todd went over to visit his mom and dad and I am catching up on my blog. Whew!! I feel like I just wrote a novel. Next week is going to be busier with school stuff, mom coming, funeral, and just plain life, so keep tuned for more fun from my life! Just don't laugh too hard.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Day 1

I am going to try this blogging thing. It will obviously be done at the end of the day when I wind down from all the days activities. Today was a tough day.
The day started out not so great. I'm sick. My whole body aches and my head hurts, I have a fever and my lungs are full of yucky stuff. I had a better sleep than I did the night before, but I still didn't feel good. It took me a little while to get going, but after a couple of Extra Strength Tylenol I was starting to move. Saje wasn't feeling so great either, but he wasn't bad. So... I got Todd off to work and the girls off to school. Next, I had to take Bryr to his friend Clayton's house while I went to be a presenter at a Leadership training seminar. Saje slept the whole drive, but when we got there, he was miserable. He had a fever and wanted to be held the entire time (this even continued when we got home). Afterwards, I picked up Bryr and met the girls at the house. I was too tired to take them all to town and decided that it would be worth it to pay the $1.00 late charge for the movies that we had rented, so we got busy with homework, reading, and computer. The kids' computer finally got fixed this weekend, so they are elated and spend as much time on it as possible.
When Todd got home from work, at about 7:15 (a little earlier than normal), he helped fix dinner because I felt like yuck, and we sat down and ate. After dinner we had a search for the "Jeep keys" event because Todd couldn't remember what he had done with them when he drove home Sunday. After about 15 minutes of frustration, I calmly went and lifted the couch cushion and low and behold, there they were. He was headed out to take Bryr's racing motorcycle to get an adjustment. We want it running great for racing season.
Well, getting the kids to bed wasn't too bad, but Bryr missed his daddy.
Now that my day is about done, I'll tell you about my new vehicle. Ok. It's not brand new, but it is new to me. It is a 2000 Ford Windstar. Silver with grey interior. It isn't fancy, but it might not be our final one. The dealer that Todd bought it from said that he will look for one that we want after tax craziness is over and we will basically swap them out. I will post a picture later. I haven't downloaded any photos from my camera since it crashed and we lost everything.
I hope that you guys enjoy reading about the life of a busy mom, because that is what my husband thinks I am. He remarked once that "you're a stay-at-home mom, but you're never home!" That is true! Anyway, that's a wrap for one night.