The Life of a Busy Mom

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Here are a few pics from the past few weeks. Saje turned 1 on April 14th. He really enjoyed his cake - can you tell? The next morning, he got his first "big boy - high and tight" cut. He looks like a big boy now, not a baby any longer. Shiloah and Cassie were inducted into "Hawks Club" (basically students of the month) at the end of March. Over Spring Break when mom was here, we went up in the hills. Mom and I climbed this hill. We didn't quite make it to the top, but we made it about half way up.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where does the time go?

So I noticed that it has been a while since I last posted. We've had Easter and a few other things going on. It just reiterates that I am busy, busy, busy!! Friday, the 14th, we had a fun little family party for Saje's 1st birthday. We had the traditional whipped cream and strawberry cake. He really enjoyed it!!! We also decorated 3 dozen eggs for Easter after the party. Saturday the 15th Saje got his first haircut. He looks like a little man now instead of a bozo-the-clown/Billy Ray Syrus wannabe. I mean that in the nicest way. I had to get rid of the wings or he was going to fly away. For some reason it is not letting me add his pictures in, so I'll do that later. We did the Letha egg scramble thing and went to a egg hunt at Todd's mom & dad's house, where Shiloah found the golden egg (it had $2.00 in it). Since some of the kids don't eat candy, we use mostly the traditional hard-boiled eggs as well as plastic ones, but the plastic ones have money (not a lot, mainly dimes, nickels, and quarters) or candy in them. It is always fun to watch the kids try to find the eggs, especially the golden eggs (there are 2 of them and they are hidden in hard spots!!). This year it took about half an hour for Shiloah to find the last golden egg. It was hidden in one of the juniper bushes. They are pretty prickly, so she was brave to try to find it. Anyway, that was fun!!! Easter Sunday was a bit interesting. The building was shut down after Sunday School because the toilets weren't flushing, so noone could use them. I tried to make a nice Easter dinner with ham and potatoes, but like Christmas, it didn't happen. I bought a big shank ham and I understood that all you had to do was hat and serve. I didn't know that it would take so long to heat it, so we had Easter dinner for FHE the next night. It was still a nice day. This last week has been full of sick boys (the barfy kind - yuck!!) and meetings. Tomorrow night Todd and I get to go to a Prime Rib dinner for the Policy Council for Bryr's pre-school. I'm sure that it will be yummy!! Todd told me that he had a talk with his boss and that he won't be working as many late nights. Well see. The last 4 pay periods have averages about 95 hours on them. Todd leaves now at 4:15 am to go to the gym and work out for 2 hours before work to get into shape for the Idaho City 100 (motorcycle race/timed event). He's getting bigger muscles :):):) Anyway...The kids, school, PTO, church callings, family... all keep me busy as can be!! I have started reading the "Children of Promise" series and can't seem to put it down. It is awesome!!!! I checked it out from our local library. Cool huh! Anyway, I need to go to sleep. Another busy day tomorrow!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Twas the night before birthday...

Twas the night before Saje's birthday, and all through the house, only the washer and dryer are stirring, and hopefully Target's caught another mouse (outside of course).
Saje's socks are folded all neatly in his dresser while visions of suki-suki dance in his head.
With dad sacked out on the bed and Saje right next to him, they had both laid down for a good night sleep.
WOW!! I can't believe that my last little one is getting sooo big!! Where does the time go? Some times I wish that babies can stay little forever, but I am grateful when they are potty trained and can communicate and help clean up their messes. I guess that when a mom has the time to sit down and think about life and time passing and starts to wish for little feet pattering down the hall again, it's time for grandkids. Anyway. I love my kids and love watching them learn and grow. Teyla showed signs of almost being mature enough to babysit. We were outside working on the yard as a family and she was giving the other children all rides in the dump wagon behind the lawn mower. She drove them around for about 45 minutes with all of them smiling and laughing...Saje even fell asleep. Todd and I were in the garden area pulling weeds when I overheard Teyla trying to whisper to the other kids, "Let's go get in our pajamas and brush our teeth and surprise mom and dad." How thoughtful. There are little moments when she does at a bit mature. I look forward to more times like that.
Today was busy. With a cookie sale at the elementary school that I made 3 types of cookies for, Bryr having school, yard work (those ouchy rose bushes won't prune themselves), dinner, and hetting things ready for our Dutch oven Community Potluck next week, and then with Easter I have enough going on?
Well, enough for tonight. I want to wake up refreshed for another busy day!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The weekend - yahoo!!!

I finally feel like the weekend has begun and it is half over. I had another busy week!! After mom left, I had one day to try to get everything back to normal, right, before going back to work. I was filling in for the normal production girls at work, so I went in on Thursday and Friday as well as my normal Saturday. I pulled 23 hours in those three days, which might not seem like that many, but to a nursing mom that can seem like eternity. We did alright taking an extended lunch break, and using my pump during that break helped. I know that the prophet has counseled against mothers with small kids working outside of the home, but when I go to work that one Saturday a month, I get the adult interaction (other than church and family) with people that I don't see everyday or talk to, and I get the feeling of being needed, and I like getting compliments from the boss like "I don't know what we'd do without you" and "You really saved us this month". It makes me feel like I'm needed by more than just my husband and kids. Being a mom is a hard job, the hardest some would say, and it is rewarding, but I do enjoy taking one day and letting Todd get to spend more time with the kids and having to do the disiplining. It gives him a glimpse of what I go thru everyday. I am usually more appreciated when I get home, too. I also have fun at work. We joke around and visit. It is a very relaxed atmosphere (for me anyway). I made it home in time today for Todd to make it to the Priesthood session of general Conference. He rode with his brother Jeff and two of his boys. They stopped over afterwards for some ice cream. Now I need to get to bed. We lose an hour of sleep tonight and I want to be awake to listen to the prophet in the morning.